R&D and upgrade projects for ATLAS

The ATLAS-CPPM group is involved in R&D and construction projects related to the upgrade of the electromagnetic calorimeter and of the pixel detector.

The group made important contributions to the inner pixel detector layer (IBL) installed in 2014 close to the interaction vertex: design and tests (in particular radiation hardness) of the readout chip FE-I4, mechanical design, production and assembly of the detector modules (staves), cooling system using a sonar-based flow control, reconstruction software and studies of the b-tagging performance.

For the Phase 1 ATLAS upgrade program and beyond, the group is involved in the new trigger readout electronics of the electromagnetic calorimeter, to be installed in the second long-shutdown of the LHC (2019). The group contributes to the firmware, test cards, simulation and performance studies.

The high luminosity LHC program (after 2025) will involve very high radiation levels, thereby implying a complete rebuilt of the inner detector (ITK). The group is involved in the R&D for the pixel sub-detector in the following areas: pixels sensors based on HV/HR-CMOS technology with integrated electronics, front-end electronics based on 65nm technology (FE-I5 design developed within the RD53 collaboration), mechanical design and pixel modules mounting on staves.