Physics analyses
At Run 2, the data analysis activities of the group are focussed along two main directions:
- Measuring the Higgs boson properties, in particular its coupling to the top quark using the Higgs associated production with a pair of top quarks, in the following channels:
- ttH(WW) in two same-sign leptons, 3 leptons or 4 leptons channels
- ttH(bb) in the lepton+(b-)jets and the multijet channels
- Direct searches for new physics signals:
- production of gluinos or sbottom pairs via strong interactions (signatures: 2 same-sign leptons leptons with missing transverse energy MET and b-jets)
- production of charginos ou chargino-neutralino via electroweak mechanisms (signatures:2 same-sign leptons leptons with missing transverse energy MET, 1 lepton, 2 b-jets and MET)
- Doubly charged Higgs H±± in a doublet-triplet model with predominant decays to pairs of charged bosons W± (signatures: 2 or 3 leptons, MET and jets )
The signatures of interest are common to several of our analyses, thereby favouring the use of common frameworks and methods. Moreover, the analyses benefit from the detector-related expertises and from the group involvement in the performance studies (electrons and b-tagging).
Latest results: