Legal informations
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille 163 avenue de Luminy Case 902 13288 Marseille cedex 09 Téléphone : (33) 84 91 82 72 00 Télécopie : (33) 04 91 82 72 99
Publication director : Eric Kajfasz
Redaction director : Eric Kajfasz
Redaction leader : Laurent Vacavant
Redaction commitee : Laurent Vacavant, Cristi Diaconu
Creation and realization :Laurent Vacavant, Cristi Diaconu, Thierry Mouthuy
Host provider : Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
Mention relating to the CNIL declaration
Personal information contained in this site is only intended to be consulted, but must neither be modified nor be used to enrich data bases, for example for commercial or advertising purposes. The contraveners expose themselves to the penal sanctions envisaged by articles 226-16 to 226-24 of the new penal code.
This warning is in conformity with the provisions of the national Commission on informatics and freedom (CNIL) and with the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms.
This Web site, which comprises personal information concerning the personnel of CNRS and its partners, was the subject of a declaration at the CNIL (n°650931). In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Data processing, Files and Freedoms (article 38, 39, 40), you have a right of access, of correction and suppression of the data concerning you on this site. To exert this right, you can address yourselves to the webmaster.
Conditions of use
Responsability :
The responsability of CNRS can, in no manner, being engaged as for the contents of information being reproduced on this site or with the consequences being able to result from their use or interpretation.
Intellectual property :
This site is a work of creation, exclusive property of the CNRS, protected by the French and international legislation on the right of the intellectual property. No reproduction or representation can be carried out in infringment with the rights of CNRS resulting from the legislation referred above.
Hypertext links :
The installation of hypertext links by third party towards pages or documents diffused on the CNRS site, is authorized provided the bonds do not contravene the interests of CNRS, and, that they guarantee the possibility for the user of identifying the origin and the author of the document.